Founded in 2004 by Marina Girard-Muttelet, CROSSING is a talent agency devoted to the protection and the maximization of the rights of film authors and any right owners.
Our activities:
- Guide authors in their professional choices
- Negotiate the licenses and renewal of authors’ rights
- Ensure the proper implementation of contracts signed with producers and holders of the distribution rights for works (calculation of revenues, checking of recouped costs, approval of sales, respect of moral rights)
- Audit of costs (including the cost of films) and the revenues indicated in financial reports provided to right owners
- Initiate and support the efforts of producers and holders of distribution rights to maximize sales
- Persuade and help producers to restore films from authors represented
- Research the origin of rights of lost films and find new distributors
- Help authors or their successors to promote the works in question (retrospectives, dedicated website, etc.)
- Accompany our customers in case of litigation
- Discuss with producers on behalf of authors wishing to regain the control of their films (rights of approval, buyback, etc.)
- Provide advice to investors in new media in their relations with authors
CROSSING’s customers are essentially French and Anglo-Saxon (USA, UK, Australia).